Whether you are growing indoors or out, there are some great reasons for growing kohlrabi in containers. These tasty, easy to grow vegetables are a natural choice for anyone who is interested in increasing their organic food intake. The main reason to grow them this way is to have more leafy greens to enjoy when they are ready to eat. There are many different varieties of kohlrabi, each with their own distinctive flavor.
Kohrabi: An excellent, healthy green that will blossom all year long. Planting kohlrabi in a container garden is easy to do, and can be done right in your kitchen or patio. Grow kohrabi thin, allowing the main stalk to climb up towards the light. Kohrabi has better success growing in containers than out in the field.
Fennel: This perennial crop is known for its fennel-like flavor and aroma. Fennel is very easy to grow and yield. Harvest the fennel growth at the top of the season and save the leaves for next year. Fennel is a plant that is especially good to plant in cool, shady areas where it will not get full sun. If you plan to have a container vegetable garden, fennel is an ideal one to use because it will grow easily without much competition.
Golden Beans: These are a prized crop that cannot be found growing in the wild. Plant these seeds just beneath the surface of a paver wetland. Cover the surface with dirt and water until the beans sprout and the first bean appears. As the plant grows, water the area again and then repeat.
Pole Beans: Pole beans are a hardy plant that is excellent to use in a traditional, natural setting. They grow well in containers, but if you plan to plant them in your yard as a salad, try not to use heavy soil and water excessively. It is also important to keep your plants contained in a tightly sealed structure in order to avoid insects from destroying your crops.
Soilless Medium: This is the most basic recommendation for growing any vegetable. Do not allow your seed to be exposed to full sun or intense heat. Sow your seeds directly into the compost made by mixing bedding, wood chips, grass clippings and vegetable scraps. Keep your plants watered regularly throughout the season, but don’t overwater because it can burn the roots. The most important thing to remember when sowing seeds in containers is to leave enough room for them to get the sunlight they need.
Start Seeds Indoors: Many people who learn about the joys of growing their own vegetables decide to just start seeds indoors rather than wait for them to germinate in a garden. If you want to be able to enjoy your vegetable garden right from the start, you should definitely be able to get them started indoors. The most difficult part of this process is probably finding a growing area large enough for your seedlings to grow comfortably. There are many ways to get started with growing vegetables in small spaces, and here are some indoor gardening tips to get you started.
Keep Your Plants Warm: It is important to make sure that your plants stay nice and warm during the cooler weather. For best results, use an organic soil mixture to provide insulation and moisture. This will prevent your plants from becoming too hot and keep pests from destroying your harvest. You should also use low temperature lighting for your plants, as this will reduce photosynthesis and slows down the harvest time.