A popular flower growing choice for gardeners everywhere is chamomile. It provides a wonderful aroma, is easy to maintain, and provides culinary and medicinal benefits as well. A quick growing chamomile can be an attractive addition to your home or garden. Here are several tips for getting started with this perennial herb.
The answer? Containers. Most online vendors offer containers to help you get the most desirable growing chamomile. If you purchase from one of many linked suppliers, will earn a percentage off the price.
Begin by planting the seeds in pots, then in small containers within your garden. Some people like to plant their chamomile along a fence, others plant it in small containers on a sunny window sill. All of these methods of growing chamomile are attractive because of its flowers and the lovely fragrance. However, if your garden is already invaded by garden pests, adding a container of chamomile could be an effective way to control those pests without needing to completely eliminate your garden.
To make your container garden effective, you’ll want to plant the seeds in the spring and take the plants from the garden to your home before the first frost. Then, remove the seeds and keep them in an airtight container until the first frosts have occurred. Return the seeds to their containers, which should have been planted a week earlier, and place the plants in your raised beds. The timing for harvesting depends on your chosen herb, but it is a good idea to plant your chamomile tea plants in raised beds at least two weeks prior to the start of your normal garden harvesting time.
If you are growing chamomile flowers in containers, the best way to harvest them is by using a method that is similar to how you would dry flowers. Begin by removing the flowers from their pots, making sure not to break the stem. Cut the flower stems so that they are no longer than an inch tall. After this step, remove any green leaves on the stems, but leave the red ones intact. Use a colander to gently remove all of the dried flowers from the pots and colanders. Place the pots and colanders into a sealed, dry area where they can begin to dry.
Many growing chamomile flowers are actually smaller versions of the larger shrubs. There are various different types of chrysanthemums, which include the cymbidium or plumeria, the annuities or aquilaria, the anemones or spathiphyllums, and the panicles or saxifolia. Some types of chrysanthemums are even smaller, such as the European chrysanthemum. You can easily identify a fruit shaped version of a chrysanthemum, such as the European or American cymbidium. You will also see that some chrysanthemums are grassy, like the cymbidium, while others are leafy. The different varieties of chrysanthemums are used for different looks in decorating, because each has its own unique beauty.
One important step before you start to plant chamomile is to find out as much information as possible about the herb and the plants it comes from. There is a lot to know about plants and herbs that you can find on the internet, including what they grow best and their growing conditions. Once you have this information, you will be able to start researching different plants and herbs, which you will need to purchase for your garden. Once you have decided on the plants you want, you can now move on to purchasing the seeds. Before you purchase the seeds, however, make sure that you are getting your money’s worth, because many people buy cheap seeds only to have to replace them a few weeks later when the plants don’t do well.
One of the main threats to growing chamomile is from insects, so you will need to take special precautions to keep them away. One of the most common insects that attacks growing flowers is the moth. Moths lay their eggs on the flowers, which then hatch into larvae which feed off the flowers until they fall off. If you notice white or yellow spots on your flowers that have been eaten away by moths, you probably have an infestation and you should consult with a garden pest control service or nursery to get rid of the moths.