If you love the taste of fresh herbs, but are unable to harvest them where they grow because the soil is too hard or too acidic, a 9 herb window garden is just right for you. Indoor herb gardening is not only easier than outdoor gardening, it is also healthier. There is nothing more satisfying than harvesting fresh herbs from your own garden and making your own natural and tasty meals. If you are looking for a way to get more from your gardening experience, consider an indoor organic herb growing kit.
The 9 herb growing kit will provide you with all of the needed materials to plant your new garden right at home. It comes complete with the soil, fertilizer, and clove stone. The soil should be prepared according to your region’s recommendations. Your soil mixture should drain easily and retain moisture. The clove stone serves as a gauge for measuring the depth of the soil, and the instructions included will show you how to use it.
Once your herb planting kit arrives, it will provide you with a number of herbs for you to choose from. Some of the most popular herbs include basil, mint, dill, oregano, parsley, Rosemary, sage, and thyme. These will provide you with the rich aroma and flavor that many of these herbs provide. By growing your own herb window garden, you will be sure to always have fresh herbs on hand.
If you already have a herb growing kit, you can simply add additional herbs to your existing garden by removing the plants that you do not use on a daily basis. This allows you to receive the benefit of planting herbs that you enjoy more and one that is less likely to burn out. When you have several plants of the same or similar types of herbs, you will also have a backup when you need one specific herb.
For indoor herb gardening, a water-based soil fertilizer is recommended. Other types of fertilizers may cause your herb plants to become too tall. This can cause them to become overcrowded and stressed, which can cause them to die. In fact, if you are using a pre-emergent weed killer, it is best to apply it a month before you expect any weeds to appear in your herb garden. Follow the directions carefully so that your herb window garden will be beautiful all year around.
Once your herb growing kit arrives, you will need to purchase the right tools for your herb garden. For example, if you plan to harvest your herbs frequently, you will want to invest in a vacuum pack. You will also want to invest in a strainer so that you can separate the stems from the leaves. The stems and leaves will go bad before the other parts of the herb ever do. If you are not planning on selling your herbs, you might consider drying them on a low heat setting to keep them fresh.
Another great feature of an herb growing kit is that they come with everything you need to grow a healthy garden. Most kits will include starter plants, soil, fertilizer, pots, and more. They even include instructions on how to care for your new plants. If you are having troubles finding the right starter plants, you might consider starting with some of the herbs that you already love such as mints, chives, or tarragon.
A 9 herb window garden is an easy way to add interest and color to your home. Organic herbs can be grown in small containers indoors year-round. In addition, if you are not a fan of the thought of planting herbs in your soil, you can use a hydroponic system for growing herbs. With an indoor organic herb growing kit and a few pots you will have the herbs you want in no time.